Biyernes, Setyembre 30, 2016

Ron Carter Quartet and Vitoria Maldonado: Brasil L.I.K.E

The road that connects Brazilian music and jazz--the essential thematic nexus on this collaborative venture that brings bassist Ron Carter (and his quartet), vocalist Vitoria Maldonado, Ruria Duprat's Brasilian Orchestra, and a handful of guest soloists into the same line of thinking--has always bee... [ read more ]

Huwebes, Setyembre 29, 2016

Michael Moynihan Quartet: Chronicles

Tucson, Arizona is not the first place most people associate with jazz. But it's where saxophonist m: Michael Moynihan grew up, and the setting for his debut album Chronicles. He says "I try to incorporate the settings as an integral part of the music on Chronicles, and have selected all... [ read more ]

Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2016

Eric St-Laurent: Planet

Given the fact that guitarist Eric St-Laurent pulls from many different places and styles in his work, it's tempting to consider him a musical polyglot. The truth, however, is that he really only speaks a single language--his own, which just so happens to be influenced and informed by everything fro... [ read more ]

Martes, Setyembre 27, 2016

Wadada Leo Smith: Wadada Leo Smith: America's National Parks

Trumpeter m: Wadada Leo Smith has a feel for the epic in his art, on recordings like: America (Tzadik Records, 2009), a duet set with drummer m: Jack DeJohnette; "America's Third Century Spiritual Awakening," from his first Golden Quartet (Tzadik Records, 2000) outing; Occupy T... [ read more ]

Lunes, Setyembre 26, 2016

Parker Abbott Trio: Elevation

It's hard to imagine a musical palette with more sonic possibilities: It's a bunch of 88s: two pianos, combined with an array of electric keyboards: Moogs, MicroKorgs (sounds like small aliens from the planet Korgon), glockenspiels, melodicas, a Hammond B-3 organ, a Nord Electro, a Microbrute (a dim... [ read more ]

Linggo, Setyembre 25, 2016

David Bennett Thomas: Deeper Journey

Pianist m: David Bennett Thomas takes inspiration from God's word. Not unlike Finish pianist/harpist m: Iro Haarla, on her beautiful duet set Kirkastus (TUM Records, 2015), with saxophonist m: Juhani Aaltonen, where Biblical Psalms informed the music, Thomas' Deep... [ read more ]

Sabado, Setyembre 24, 2016

Lewis Porter on John Coltrane

The following interview with Lewis Porter, author of John Coltrane: His life and Music, was conducted by telephone on April 15, 2000. I am indebted to Dr. Porter for taking the time from his exceptionally busy schedule as musician, writer, teacher, and father to share his views with us. All About Ja...

Protean Reality (feat. Chris Pitsiokos, Noah Punkt and Philipp Scholz): Protean Reality

An increasing presence on the downtown NYC circuit, alto saxophonist Chris Pitsiokos has worked with a number of free jazz luminaries such as m: Joe Morris, m: Nate Wooley, m: Peter Evans and m: Paul Lytton. He and m: Tyshawn Sorey joined the... [ read more ]

Biyernes, Setyembre 23, 2016

Jonas Cambien Trio: A Zoology of the Future

For the debut of his new trio, Belgian-born, Oslo-based pianist m: Jonas Cambien joins with two rising stars of the Norwegian scene for a series of incisive cuts notable for their inventive arrangements and maverick rhythms. Drummer m: Andreas Wildhagen is part of {{m: Paal N... [ read more ]

Huwebes, Setyembre 22, 2016

Thomas Marriott: Balance in Life and Music

If one should by chance be curious of what is happening with jazz in the city of Seattle, and the Pacific Northwest, one would do well to check out what trumpeter m: Thomas Marriott is up to. Thomas has established himself as one the most exciting artists to emerge on the national jazz s...

Shirantha Beddage: Momentum

The baritone sax is an underutilized part of the jazz arsenal, at least as a lead, soloist instrument. Its deep sonority tends to tilt its use either toward ensemble settings or the cooler styles of soloist work, following the trajectory of Gerry Mulligan's early innovations on the instrument. With... [ read more ]

Miyerkules, Setyembre 21, 2016

Jeff Parker: Reinventing Tradition

Is there such a thing as a Chicago sound? Back in the year 2000, a compilation was released that tried to portray a new and exciting musical scene. The album was called Chicago 2018... It's Gonna Change and it highlighted a brilliant mixture of free jazz, electronica, post-rock, art pop and experime...

Jimmy Scott: I Go Back Home: A Story About Hoping And Dreaming

Sadness naturally hovers like a black cloud over life's December days, but hope and joy can often find a way to peak through the overcast skies. That's a message that comes through most clearly on Jimmy Scott's beautiful parting gift to the world. I Go Back Home manages to serve as swan song, celebr... [ read more ]

Martes, Setyembre 20, 2016

Nick Sanders and Logan Strosahl: Janus

Pianist m: Nick Sanders and saxophonist m: Logan Strosahl have named their duet outing Janus. The Janus of the Roman Empire era was a God with two faces, a God of time, with one gaze directed forward, the other backward in time. Sanders and Strosahl began playing in the duo f... [ read more ]

Lunes, Setyembre 19, 2016

John Scofield: John Scofield: Country for Old Men

When guitarist m: Bill Frisell first began a more decided focus on roots music, bluegrass and country and western music with the release of 1996's Nashville (Nonesuch), despite being largely very well-received, jazz purists rankled when the largely bluegrass/folk-informed album began to gar... [ read more ]

Linggo, Setyembre 18, 2016

Derek Brown: Beatbox Sax

One man bands are something of a novelty: some guy with a half a dozen instruments (or more)--guitar, drums, harmonica--affixed to his body in various ways. Saxophonist m: Derek Brown blows the one man band route with just the saxophone on Beatbox Sax. The first reaction on spinning the... [ read more ]

Sabado, Setyembre 17, 2016

Joey Alexander: Countdown

Like most such facile categorizing, 'child prodigy' usually ends up being a dead end rather than a means to explore the subject at hand. In the case of Joey Alexander, it's a disservice precisely because it's so restrictive: if he proves anything on his second album, it is that he will not be confin... [ read more ]

Biyernes, Setyembre 16, 2016

Eri Yamamoto Trio: Life

Tourist guides to jazz in New York often recommend the same venues like The Village Vanguard, Birdland and Blue Note, but there is a place known by true connoisseurs that should be the point of destination for everyone wanting to experience a real working trio with one of the most interesting pianis... [ read more ]

Ron Carter: Detroit Jazz Festival 2016 Artist-In-Residence

As the artist-in-residence for the 37th Annual Detroit Jazz Festival, m: Ron Carter maintained an active role in both the artistic and educational functions that accompanied this distinguished position, made even more extraordinary by the fact that it was all happening in his hometown. Ha...

Huwebes, Setyembre 15, 2016

Paolo Fresu and Omar Sosa featuring Natacha Atlas and Jaques Morelenbaum: Eros

While the connection between Cuban pianist Omar Sosa and Italian trumpeter m: Paolo Fresu was established back in 2006, their partnership truly blossomed with Alma (Ota Music, 2012), a beauty of an album with a soft sell approach. That record--quite possibly the most moving item in eithe... [ read more ]

Miyerkules, Setyembre 14, 2016

Neil Cowley Trio: Spacebound Apes

The impact of ambition and competitiveness in a creative pursuit can be double edged. As a spur to action, an attempt to fulfil potential it is surely a positive--think of the mutual admiration and competition between say Brian Wilson and Paul McCartney in the mid-1960s for example. But there are ti... [ read more ]

Martes, Setyembre 13, 2016

Nels Cline: Lovers

The power of m: Nels Cline's Lovers does not stem from his guitar mastery. It flows from the solidity of its finely orchestrated vision. Rendered over 18 pieces and marking the fulfillment of a 25-year endeavor, the album explores the contours of intimacy through a series of compositions... [ read more ]

Lunes, Setyembre 12, 2016

Sara Serpa and AndrA(C) Matos: All The Dreams

There may be no combination better capable of painting and promoting aural iridescence than that of vocalist Sara Serpa and guitarist AndrA(C) Matos. The work they've produced together, both on their first duo album--Primavera (Inner Circle Music, 2014)--and on this alluring outing, pits consistency a... [ read more ]

Linggo, Setyembre 11, 2016

Enten Eller: Tiresia

The Italian super-gruppo Enten Eller returns with Tiresia a set of improvisations for the epicurist. I suggest the music connoisseur who prefers to indulge in the prolonged unwrapping of their experience can get the most out of the three lengthy compositions this quartet delivers. Maybe a better phr... [ read more ]

Sabado, Setyembre 10, 2016

King Crimson: King Crimson: Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold of Monkey Mind)

Plenty has already been written about King Crimson's surprise reemergence in 2014 at All About Jazz, beginning when the now 47 year-old progressive/art rock band commenced its first tour since 2008 (and its first extensive one since 2003) with a new, expanded lineup featuring a front-line of three d... [ read more ]

Mariza: Music is My Fado

Listening to Portuguese fado singer Mariza, it's really hard not to be taken away by her passionate singing, charismatic stage presence, and sly sass. Yet, beneath her almost fragile and gentle appearance is a tiger waiting to spring. Ever since she burst onto the world stage 15 years ago, she swept...

Huwebes, Setyembre 8, 2016

Jeremy Cunningham Quartet: re: dawn (from far)

Since he moved to Chicago in 2009, m: Jeremy Cunningham has been a vital addition to the jazz environment and his debut as a leader, re: dawn (from far) , shows an assured musician and composer who effortlessly taps into the great musical tradition of the city. Cunningham has teamed up w... [ read more ]

Miyerkules, Setyembre 7, 2016

Ethan Margolis: Perfect Mission of Feeling

Describing guitarist, composer, bandleader, producer and conceptualist m: Ethan Margolis as a citizen of the world barely does him or his music justice. Born and raised in jny: Cleveland (OH), Margolis left the US when he was 21 to study the art of Gypsy flamenco guitar in Spain. He...

: Steel Guitar, Snow and Sunny Beaches: Five New Albums on Losen Records

Odd Gjelsnes' Norwegian label, Losen Records, has been incredibly prolific in recent years, releasing a staggering amount of quality albums. However, with so much music, it is hard to keep up with the pace. Here is an attempt to summarize a little portion of the recent recording activity of the labe... [ read more ]

Martes, Setyembre 6, 2016

Duffy King: Acoustically Speaking

On the inner jacket to Acoustically Speaking, m: Duffy King's second CD as a leader, the reader is informed that the Detroit-based maestro plays acoustic and six-string guitars (plural). While that is presumably true (all guitars sound basically alike to some untrained ears), there's no... [ read more ]

Lunes, Setyembre 5, 2016

Shirley Horn: Shirley Horn Live at the 4 Queens

..." Horn did ballads and cool, understated ruminations better than anyone except her first champion, mentor and lifelong friend, trumpeter Miles Davis. Both were masters of silence and anticipation, but even Davis teased Horn about her pacing. 'You do 'em awful slow!' he once said.'" Richard Harrin... [ read more ]

Vinnie Zummo: The Coyote

Guitarist m: Vinnie Zummo is best known for his long association with singer/songwriter m: Joe Jackson. He appeared on every Jackson album from Body and Soul (A&M, 1984) through Blaze of Glory (A&M, 1989), returning for The Duke (Razor and Tie Recordings, 2012). The Coyote is m... [ read more ]

Linggo, Setyembre 4, 2016

Jerry Garcia Band: Garcia Live Volume Seven: Sophie's, Palo Alto, November 8, 1976

The openness and vulnerability within m: Jerry Garcia's singing voice is an often-overlooked virtue among all the others for which he's distinguished, including his ever-so-precise (acoustic and electric) guitar playing as well as his songwriting collaborations with lyricist Robert Hunte... [ read more ]

Sabado, Setyembre 3, 2016

Van Morrison: Van Morrison: It's Too Late to Stop Now - Volumes II, III, IV and DVD

The announcement of the archiving of m: Van Morrison's considerably lengthy discography through Legacy Music no doubt generated cautious optimism among his fans and musiclovers in general. Previous reissue initiatives consisted of straight remasterings with minimal bonus additions in any... [ read more ]

Biyernes, Setyembre 2, 2016

Sanjay Divecha and Secret: Sanjay Divecha and Secret

m: Ravi Shankar has passed, but sounds from India continue to filter into the American jazz consciousness via the children of immigrants: pianist m: Vijay Iyer, saxophonist m: Rudresh Mahanthappa, violinist m: Trina Basu and cellist {{m: Amali Premawardh... [ read more ]

Dmitri Matheny: Flugelhorn Evangelist

The flugelhorn can be a difficult mistress. Players may find themselves endlessly explaining the differences between their axe and the trumpet, why their instrument seldom sounds like m: Miles Davis in a bad mood and why most horn players treat it as a specialty tool. But when someone wit...

Huwebes, Setyembre 1, 2016

Charlie Rich: Every Time You Touch Me (I Get High) / Silver Linings / Take Me / Rollin' With The Flow

There is an anecdote about the legendary singer Elvis Presley, who walked into the office of Sun Records to do an audition. He was asked by receptionist Marion Keisker what kind of singer he was and Presley answered: "I sing all kinds." The same could be said about another Sun Records-affiliate, the... [ read more ]

Tony Monaco: Taking Jazz Organ to the Summit

Columbus, Ohio native Tony Monaco is primed and ready to place jazz organ in a whole new spotlight. Although he has been a playing musician for most of his life, it has been during the past sixteen years that he has made the biggest strides as an artist. A gifted educator with a unique approach to i...